About Me

Hello, my name is Evgeny Chivikov. I live and work in Russia. From my earliest childhood, I have always shown the ability to be creative – drawing, modeling, wood carving. Working in other specialties, drawing has always occupied a large part of my life.

I have no art education and I consider this more an advantage than a disadvantage. Studying painting on my own, I gain the knowledge that helps me develop my own unique style and technique of painting. I set myself goals and implement them.

I prefer to create my work in two directions: portrait realism and esoteric surrealism.

More details about the latter.

My works reflect a kind of parallel universe, another world, inhabited by its own characters, living in human situations. When looking at a picture, an infinite number of different associations arise. Each viewer perceives the plot through the prism of his life experiences.

Pictures can evoke both positive and negative emotions, but I sincerely hope that they will not leave anyone indifferent.

© Chivikovart. 2021

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